What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic works on the spine to correct vertebral subluxation, thus affecting the functioning of the nervous system and therefore the health of the whole organism.

The nervous system controls the function of all organs, tissues, glands and body systems, thanks to a continuous flow of information from the brain to the Body. An improperly aligned vertebra (Vertebral Subluxation) can alter the function of the nerves that emanate from the spinal cord and branch out through the holes in the Spinal Column, possibly causing organic disorders and certain symptoms.

By specific spinal adjustments, the chiropractor corrects the mis-aligned vertebrae, restoring their mobility and returning proper function to the nervous system.

What is Chiropractic for?

Under chiropractic care, the patient can receive both mechanical and organic disorder improvement if caused by an alteration in spinal and nerve system function. Commitment to prevention and enjoyment of a better quality of life have always been a specific goal of Chiropractic.

The most frequent problems experienced by patients who come to the a Chiropractic office include, herniated discs, lumbago, sciatica, spondylolisthesis, scoliosis and deviations, back pain, numbness, wry neck, lightheadedness, dizziness, migraines, headaches , osteoarthritis, and in a lower percentage, organic disorders such as allergies, ear infections, asthma, digestive disorders, respiratory and pre-menstrual syndrome.

An increasingly large percentage of people turn to chiropractic as a means of preventive health.

What is the main difference of Chiropractic?

Unlike other health professions, chiropractic offers a way to health recovery and health maintenance without the use of drugs or surgery. Thus avoiding the side effects that medication treatments sometimes involve, reduce hospitalization, and thereby reducing healthcare costs.

Chiropractic maintains that a proper functioning nervous system allows our body to use its natural ability and regeneration tendencies, to always maintain an optimal state of health. A proper functioning  nervous system requires a Healthy Spine.